Friday, May 30, 2008

All day home..

Hello To all!!
Todae i stayed at home the whole dae. . wanna noe y?
Koz there's too many tv shows to watch! haha.
5.30pm-6.30: chinese show.
7.00-8.00: chinese show.
8.00-9.00: The showdown.
9.00-10.00: chinese show.
10.00-11.00: Am
erican Next Top Model.
11.00-12.00am: The Contender Asia.
1.00am-2.00: Hell's Kitchen.
1.00am- 3.45: WWE!!
Heheh!! to many! cant miss all the show..
all my favourite! hehe! Boyfiee came todae..
But late. Ard 9.30pm. Hmm. .nvm is okaye
at least i get to c him.. i miss him alot..
ANW, Tmr
will be going out with boyfiee. .
follow him pay his bike installment..
Yeah!! cant wait 4 tmr. .will blog in again tmr..
Peace upon u!

Thursday, May 29, 2008


My bro's fwends came to my house together with my boyfiee..
Chit chat..gossip..and after all that, we played bingo
er with my family. .hehe!! it was fun! I won 1 round onli.!
Haiya! NO LUCK! but its okaye. .i had fun aniwaes!
Boyfiee had a flu.
.well everydae he will have a flu. .haha!!
I miss him so much! Should i fetch him from work tmr?
Hmm.. not sure yet. .will update tmr okaye with pic! for now enjoy
tis pic! Pea
ce upon all.!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Went out todae...

Todae is a fun dae! After boyfiee finish his work, ard 5.30,
he went hm,change and went out to pick me up.
1st stop, BBDC. Boyfiee went to enroll his class 3.
Hehe! After all the 'kecoh2', we had a small argue..
regarding wer do we wanna go.. Haha! I'm feeling hungry and so is
So after all the argument.. we decided to go eat
BURGER KING! haha!! Went to Westmall and eat..
I really had a great dae with boyfiee.. and now i'm starting to miss him!!
I love you Khairul Azha
r!! That all for todae's blog.. feeling abit tired..
Oh i almost for
got..Boyfiee said that i look nicer without make up!!
WTH! IS HE BLIND?? Haha! he like me being natural.. Well.. i cant
If i dun wear any make up on, my eyebag will look really2 big!!
Just take a look at the pic.. Me without any make up on!

My 1st ever blog!

Hi to all!
This is my 1st ever blog! Well basically,
its all about me and my boyfiee our journey
together! Its 7.45am and i couldn't get to slep.
So frustrated!! Anw yest, boyfiee had his motorbike
repaired! Hehe! Miss riding with him..
Ok lah, I'm really tired to blog now.
Will blog in later aite! peace to all.