I'm damn bored at hm! tk keje mcm nie ah. Haiz!! mon probably i start work lah.. tk blh ah tk keje.. dari umur 14 smp lah 18 tk pernah tk keje. .beh nie skrg 4 bulan tk keje mcm RIMAS gitu!. .haha!! haiz. .yeah! todae will be meeting boyfiee!! hehe!! miss him so much though yest we had a small arguement. miss you boyfiee!! okayelah gtg now nk mkn. .take care all!
Had fun there. .at 1st very boring. .den suddenly they all played bingo with us. .n u noe y suddenly tk boring?? coz I WON ALOT! haha!! byk seh byk alek duit. .hehekeke!! E boring part is, i didnt take pic lah!!! Haiz!! so e bengap! onli tis pic i get to take from liza. . enjoy! haha! Nie dah pagy dah on sun. Onli us left there. laen semua dah CABOT! Tk tlg kemas2 pon. Pantat! haha! Okaye lah nk tdo! I love you KhairuL Azhar!
Having my period now. So the stress! Sick sick sick! Been sick for e past few daes. My throat abit better now Can eat properly. Now, i'm missing boyfiee! :( One dae nvr mit boyfiee mcm 1 year tau tk. he's e onli one im depending on now. every probs i have, he's there for me. Thank you boyfiee! I love you~ Okaye now i wanna go play game. TMR GET TO C BOYFIEE! YEAH! love you! Muackz! I MISS YOU.
Dammit! I thought by taking panadol, my throat will be better and i really thought that my high fever was gone. But i went to doc jus now, and took my temp. . it was 38.6! omg! i cant swallow any food, even my saliva!! I took bubur jek todae. bubur ikan and udang! SEKSA BETUL TAU TK! But boyfiee being nice to me todae. .hehe! he told me to eat pelan2. .acompany me eat. .help me feed me my medicine! BUT SERIOUSLY, I WANNA EAT NICE2 FOOD! Boyfiee promise me already. So i cant wait! hehe! okaye lah now i wanna slep. boyfiee ask me to slep early todae i miss you so much khairul azhar! Muackz!
Nursyamimi 17-Jan-1990 Bukit Gombak Loves Black and White TP Bike : 16-04-2008 (Pass) TP Car : OTW
Khairul Azhar 02-Nov-1986 Bukit Panjang Loves Green and Brown TP Bike : 26-11-2007 (Pass) TP Car : OTW
--Down The Lane--
E dae we became friends : 30-Oct-2006 E dae we started to date : 04-Nov-2006 E dae we official together: 05-Dec-2006
Our Story : "How We Get To Know Each Other"
:) Khai went up to my best friend which is his best friend too, ZAX(If you reading this, thanks alot), and ask whether he have a girl to recommend him(as usual, guys "gatal2"). Eventually, zax pass him my number. He decided to sms me and i replied!(Hehe, me being "gatal2" also). Soon after that, we started to talk to each other on the fon!! yes..on the fon(30-oct-06). That's when i get to know that his b'dae is like 3 more daes! But sadly on his b'dae we couldnt meet as i wanted to treat him. And that's wen on the (04-nov-06), we went out to celebrate his b'dae(even though is belated) :) . Well, Soon after that, we started to be with each other officially (05-dec-06).