Monday, June 30, 2008

At last my Laptop can be used! Pics Pics Pics Upload!

At Last! My laptop's back!! Time to upload all e pics!!
Ok. .tiz was e dae wen boyfiee acompany me to Poly for checkup!
Boyfiee with his bike. And our helmet.
Ok now nx pic im going to present is wen we r going
to mak haris bbq pit.
Boyfiee was realli tired at tat dae. .I secretly took his pic
while he was sleeping. Hehe! Love you boyfiee!
Ok nx pic is me,boyfiee n boyfiee lil sis outing.
no pic of me. onli boyfiee n lil sis. hehe. .
Bought Nadiyah to kiddy palace. .she had fun.
i bought for her school bag, book. Hehe.
Ok nx one, Hana's engagement. Me n boyfiee meet
with our fwends there. My mac's fwends.
Look at how beautiful she is. Hehe! I'm hapy for her n yunus.
Ok i admit. .i look fat ok! hmmp!
nx pic, n my boyfiee went to AMK for my check up.
See lah boyfiee drag me go play game at arcard.Haha.
But stil i had fun! Muackz!
Ok nx pic, went jurong east to eat long john!
Happily eating!
nx up, E dae that boyfiee sacrifice his laptop for me.
Look at boyfiee perut!! Since e dae he with me till now,
Perut dari kecik smp lah jady gitu. Haha! He blames me
for that! haha! Lil sis nk jady minah rempit. Hehe.
As usual, us! Lov u boyfiee!
ok, nx pic marathon, E important dae!
Suddenly i got tis passion for shades! Haha!
But at that tyme of point, both of us got no $$
So we hold on to that 1st.

I forever love u boyfiee!!
Ok nx up, the dae that he bought for me
shades, perfume and my cardigen.

Hehe! Thanks boyfiee!! I didnt take e pink cardigen
that he bought for me. .Well, i'm wearing it in e 3rd pic.
Muacks!!!! Thanks! I love u!
Ok nx up, e very nx dae our fwend, Hafiz was admitted to hosp.
He got tis big lump at his leg. Hmm. so e sad. Took pic with boyfiee.
We went there ard 9pm. werby alexandra visiting hour
close at 8pm. Haha! After reaching there, there's tis one nurse ask
us wer we wanna go n we told him that we r visiting our fwend.
We told him like for awhile onli end up we stayed til 11pm. Haha!!
See what boyfiee did! nk step american nx top model! Haha!
Ok lets stop here coz its too full alrd.
we continue on e nx page. Above!

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