Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sick Sick Sick!!

I been sick for the past 3 daes. .!!
Haizz!! Wad's wrong with me. . .
I'm feeling tired, back pain. .
feel sleepy. .haiz. . wanted to go to the doctor. .
we see how tomorrow. .i hope by tmr i will get better. .
Met boyfiee todae. .had a small quarrels. .
but at the end of the dae, we make it up. .
I love him. .and if you are reading tiz. .
Khairul Azhar Bin Mohd Fadilah. .
I love you so much and will always love u!!
5th june will b our 1 yr 6 mths anniversary!!
Love you so much boyfiee!!

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