Friday, September 5, 2008


1st of all, on e 2nd of sept was boyfiee bestfwend Arwah ayid who
have passed away left us for 1 yr already. :'(
I noe its hard for you boyfiee, stay strong n i will
always love you. He knoes u miss him ok? ok now. .
I've got good news!! but i will not reveal it now! ha ha!!
Once the time is right den i will announce it here!!
I miss you so much boyfiee! yeah! sat buka kat geylang!
Its been 5 daes straight i puasa ok! hehe! I wanna have
a good Raya! well, u noe. .dulu i heard that if i nvr puasa full
(excluding menses),
then i will not have a happy raye. .and its true! Haha!
Will update again regarding abt my good news and
will upload my raya baju for tis yr! hehe!
Selamat Berpuasa semua!!
I miss you boyfiee!

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